The Chinook is a relatively rare breed, with quite a history. Briefly, Arthur Walden began the breed , from a single male dog, in Wonalancet, New Hampshire, in the very early 1900's. Chinook Himself was born in January, 1917. Walden and about sixteen of his dogs accompanied Commander, later Admiral, Byrd on his two-year expedition to Antarctica. Chinook died on his twelfth birthday on the expedition. He was never found. Walden brought all of his other dogs back to Wanalancet. The dogs eventually came to Perry and Honey Greene in Maine, but when the Greenes died, they had no clear successor for the dogs. The remaining stock was boarded for many years, dwindling down to about eleven dogs. Several dedicated people searched for and found these dogs, and began to carefully breed them, setting the breed on the road to recovery. Now hundreds of Chinooks live with loving and caring families all across the United States and Canada.
Come meet our dogs on our site- from our very first Chinooks in the mid-1990's to the present day! We are happy to discuss our breed, our dogs, or give you a more detailed history, and answer any questions you may have about our breed.
So- what have our dogs been up to???